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Eid-Ul-Adha: A Lesson to Sacrifice

by Muhammad Ali Abid

The purpose of Eid-ul-adha in its purest context is to sacrifice whatever you don't want to sacrifice, for the sake of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. However, I see many people around me who 'sacrifice' to go to an extent of becoming an egomaniac. Also, Let me tell you if you observe closely, this intention is very much visible. Even a blind can spot that and a Deaf can hear that.

As the above statement implies: For some, or should i say few, this eid reinstate humbleness and compassion and taqwaa in the hearts. These are the Mo'mineens( of people who Obey the commandments of One Allah) who are wiseenough to believe and interpret the ayah of quran correctly, that says:

'Say(O Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa-sallam)): 'Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the Aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists).' [Soorah al-An'aam (6):162]'

All others who don't fulfill the above eligibility criteria of an acceptable intention to sacrifice are non-momineens, or should i say munafiqeens(i.e. hypocrites), One group of them,take this occasion as an opportunity to show off, hence sweeps away even a minute amount of humbleness they had before.

Second group of these munafiqeens(Hypocrites) are those, who are misers and thinks that the wealth and success (which in fact Allah has blessed them with as a test), is actually a result of their own effort and hard work, ignoring that it could be their test. Another belief that often contends them, is that sacrifice is a secondary to the expenditure like buying expensive jewelry, car or and all other things without which life can easily goon. They become stubborn, and don't even bother to perform the islamic ritual of sacrificing animal for Allah.

Thats really horrifying, how stupid, short sighted and foolhardy all munafiqeens(hypocrites) are, Instead of opting of permanent, never ending pleasure they are happy for temporary delight! Thats awful, isn't it?

May Allah show all of us a right path that leads to his pleasure. Ameen!

About the Author

Muhammad Ali Abid(BC020400756) is a Student of BSBA(Hons) in The Virtual University Of Pakistan. You can reach him at


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