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Islamic teachings and beliefs

by Majorreligions

The religion Islam does not believe in the concept of "original sin." According to the teachings of Islam, people are born guiltless. They remain so until an individual himself or herself, commits a sinful deed. Islam is neither an ethnocentric nor a sacramental religion. The followers of this religion observe no sacraments. Anyone can become a Muslim by his/ her discretion. Introduction to Islam involves no sacramental ceremony, no involvement by any clergy, and no authentication by any organized body. All that a true Moslem needs to do is follow the teachings of Islam. These teachings are:

Doctrine of God: Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion. The followers of Islam believe that there is no other God than Allah.

Doctrine of Angels: The throne of God is surrounded by Angels. They serve as His messenger to people. The most important of all angels is Gabriel. Iblis is a fallen angel, he is also referred to as the Satan or Devil. He has authority over the djinns who are male and female demons.

Doctrine of Inspired Books: The Moslems believe in the sacred books which include the Torah, the Gospel of Jesus, the Psalms, and the Koran (Qur'an). The followers of Islam believe that Koran is the only book which is completely error free. Sections of the holy book Koran have resemblance to the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Jewish Talmud. There are many stories in Koran that are similar to stories of various prophets in the Old Testament.

Koran is somewhat shorter in length than the New Testament. Islam's followers are expected to memorize as much of the Koran as they can. Those who memorize the whole book by heart are highly honored.

Doctrine of Prophets: According to the teachings of Islam, there are many persons who are considered to be prophets. Among them are Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Mohammed. Mohammed is considered to be last prophet. His proclamations completed the message sent by God to people.

Doctrine of Last Judgment: Moslems believe that there will be a day of final judgment. At that time, the non-believers will be sentenced to the burning fires of hell, while the believers will enter heaven. However, the pleasures of heaven will be given to the believers according to the degree of faith and morality they displayed in their lifetime.

The followers of Islam believe that the moral and legal codes of Islam apply to all areas of human life.

About the Author

The Major Religions of the World….Revisited book includes information about Islamic religion and beliefs; and its comparison with worlds other 4 major religions Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism.


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