by C. Read Regardless of your original view of the invasion of Iraq - a just, moral and necessary war according to us paleo-knuckle dragging, tooth sucking, unibrow conservatives - one has to admit that it is over. Done. Finished. Iraq is more peaceful than a typical summer in Chicago, a year in the slums of Toronto, or 9 months in the less savoury parts of New York. More die in a Chicago summer-fest of violence than US soldiers perish in a 2 year period in Iraq. Time to pull out of the Obama-Messiah's spiritual center ? [Blessed be Obama the prophet]. Or should we just say that we won in Iraq and that the Iraqi's and indeed the Muslim world, are better off for that remarkable feat ? We already stated in June 08 that this war was over - it is now more obvious than ever. June 08 - it is over It is a fact that Muslims who live in the West - though they might hate the idea - are better off than those who don't. Iraq has a stable confederation, with a Western styled constitutio...