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The Iraq War is won

by C. Read

Regardless of your original view of the invasion of Iraq - a just, moral and necessary war according to us paleo-knuckle dragging, tooth sucking, unibrow conservatives - one has to admit that it is over. Done. Finished. Iraq is more peaceful than a typical summer in Chicago, a year in the slums of Toronto, or 9 months in the less savoury parts of New York. More die in a Chicago summer-fest of violence than US soldiers perish in a 2 year period in Iraq. Time to pull out of the Obama-Messiah's spiritual center ? [Blessed be Obama the prophet]. Or should we just say that we won in Iraq and that the Iraqi's and indeed the Muslim world, are better off for that remarkable feat ? We already stated in June 08 that this war was over - it is now more obvious than ever. June 08 - it is over

It is a fact that Muslims who live in the West - though they might hate the idea - are better off than those who don't. Iraq has a stable confederation, with a Western styled constitution which guarantees Islamic law and observance. It is a country with an educated workforce, oil, millions of entrepreneurs, a transparent legal system, and it is a society which is not degenerating into civil war, or partition - contrary to many and sundry geniuses who stated the opposite for 4 years. Iraq 2009 will be generations ahead of Iraq pre-2003 without American intervention, including the hundred's of thousands of lives saved from the barbarity of a fascist regime - one which murdered 1 million Iraqi's over 20 years, or 25 times the current kill rate per annum in Iraq.

Not a bad legacy.

The West has an ally in the worst region in the world. We have secured a military victory over Al Qaeda and the Islamic fascists killing over 70.000 terrorists. Islamic fascist elements will never recover from this defeat. We now have military bases in 2 countries bordering Iran. We control the Gulf. We can put pressure on other countries including the corrupt Saudi royal family, to reform. We can protect Israel. In short we now control and are allied with a central state, in a central region and we have sent a very clear message to the Islamic world. You want violence - you will get it.

So where are the media reports of celebration? Where are the myriad stories of Iraqi economic and social development? Where are the interviews with politicians from across Iraq on the progress being made there? Where is the detailed story of the Shia militia defeat and the marginalisation of the demagogue and religious zealot and political idiot Sadr? Where are the stories of the Iraqi diaspora returning to all regions of Iraq to invest, rebuild and renew? Where is the over-arching strategic discussion of having military bases in the heart of the Islamic world and the benefits derived therein?

No where to be found.

The Western media is corrupt. It is a group of elitist trained self-loathing left-ocratic boors. Every bomb, every death of an Iraqi or Westerner, was reported ad infinitum over 5 years. But the pacification of a country engaged in various civil wars - almost exclusively intra-Muslim - since 656 A.D. and which is now being policed by US soldiers without body armour and without headgear does not even get a passing mention in the so-called 'independent media'. Independent? Ha ha. How absurd and how immature is the thought. It reminds one of the hagiographies which were developed by this same media about Herr Hitler, Nazism and the benefices and great appeal of Communism. Morons.

As one syndicated columnist wrote recently and quite well: "Americans tend to forget that, in the Middle East, most political disagreements are settled with assassinations such as the murder of Egypt's Anwar Sadat and, more recently, the killing of Benezir Bhutto in Pakistan. In Lebanon, the Syrians assassinated a whole raft of politicians whom they found irksome. Several efforts have been made to kill Hamid Karzi of Afghanistan. In Gaza, Fatah was forced out by Hamas at gunpoint. Having achieved zero cooperation for decades, world leaders keep insisting that the Israelis negotiate with Fatah, giving them land and lollypops."

Negotiating with the Arabs and with the fascistic elements of Islam is a waste of time. You simply wage war and kill them. You secure the lands, build bases, and impose your will. Historically that is what Islam and Arab culture understand - blood and steel and power.

This is why Iraq is such a momumental victory. It sends a very clear and compelling message.

For those who have been to Iraq, the war is obviously finished. Arabs killing innocents has been going on since the family of Muhammed were slaughtered by rivals claiming power over the early caliphates. Asking Muslims and Arabs to stop killing each other, or anyone else, is like asking Blacks to acknowledge Black slave trading and ownership. It will never happen. And yet that is the fault of the Americans or more specifically Bushitler.

Michael Yon, an embedded journalist wrote this in July 2008 in a syndicated column: "'The war in Iraq is over. We won. Which means the Iraqi people won.' When I wrote this on my Web site a few days ago, I set off a mini-firestorm. Perhaps because I have spent more time embedded with combat troops in Iraq than any journalist I know - and have interviewed countless Iraqis and members of the coalition military......

So I will be very clear what I mean when I say we have won the war. A counterinsurgency is won when the government's legitimacy is no longer threatened by the insurgents, the government is able to protect its own people and the people are participating in the government. In Iraq, all three conditions apply."

Indeed they do. That piece was written 6 months ago - and things have gotten a lot better since then. If Yon can write in July 2008 that the war is finished - a war he saw, smelled and felt - than 6 months later we should be having a general discussion of post-victory Iraq. What do we want there? What are the conditions we will give to the Iraqis and their politicians for our victory? How will the Iraqis help us repay the costs of the war through future oil revenues ? After all 4200 American dead, and 29000 American wounded were sacrificed in part, and only in part, to secure the freedom of Iraq.

In any event we won in Iraq - but the bells will never be rung. That says a lot about the state of the so-called 'West'.

About the Author

Craig read : Our presence in Iraq has sent a clear message to Islamic militants. We'll never negotiate with fascist elements of Islam.


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