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Is Islam a religion of peace or violence?

by Shazia Ahmed

Islam is one of the world largest religions with millions of followers from every single nation in the world. Islam has never been the most accessible religion to the West as there are fewer Muslims in the USA then there are in countries in Africa or in the Middle East for example. This inability for Westerners to be able to experience Islam from true Muslims has often lead to many misconceptions about this tolerant religion.

The title of this article and the fact that you are reading it right now shows how little true Islam is taught around the world as being a major religion. According to the Council on American-Islamic relations there are approximately 1.2 billion [in 1999] Muslims in the world which represents between 19.2% and 22% of the world's population. It has become the second largest religion in the world. Yet for all its popularity it is still regarded as being a religion of mystique which is simply not the case.

Islam is a religion not unlike many of the other major religions. The question of whether Islam is a peaceful religion or one of violence is not a simple question with a yes or no answer. The short answer is yes to both, it promotes peace but then also instructs on defense upon ones person, property, or religion.

There is a reference: "He who speaks evil of father or mother is to be put to death". This is a very poignant statement in its condemnation. It seems as if the punishment does not seem to fit the crime. Where does this statement come from? The Quran? No, it is in the Bible, Matthew 15:4. As can be discerned, Islam does not hold the candle as the only religion which speaks of violence.

Much of what was written in the Quran containing references to violence were actually references to wars and battles. The religion of Islam began in Mecca in the year 622 A.D and in those days there was no United Nations to settle disputes between rival groups. Battles were commonplace in those times and an unfortunate reality. The Holy Quran and the Prophets saying strictly prohibited the following as examples of Islam's sense of respect even for those who are trying to kill them:

 Wounded soldiers who are neither unfit to fight, nor actually fighting, should not be attacked.  Prisoners of war should not be killed.  It is prohibited to kill anyone who is tied up or in captivity.  Residential areas should not be pillaged, plundered or destroyed, nor should the Muslims touch the property of anyone except those who are fighting against them.  Muslims must not take anything from the general public of the conquered country without paying for it.  The corpses of the enemy must not be disgraced or mutilated.  Corpses of the enemy should be returned.  Treaties must not be broken.

The Prophet Muhammad was fighting for his religion. He was fighting for mankind to give up worshipping idols, something that had always been done. By even suggesting for his peoples to give up this worship he had a war thrust unto him and his believers. This is where many of the references to fighting come from. They are from religious persecution and from a time of religious intolerance. Order was needed to be brought to a world of chaos. This religious chaos has long since been resolved but there are always those extremists who take historical references and try to apply them for the modern day scenarios around them as best they can even though they no longer apply. Now there are other means to resolve differences as most countries are willing to speak to one another peacefully. Below is an extract which was intended for a time long ago when borders and treaties and basic human rights were easily discarded.

3:169 "Think not of those who are slain in God's way as dead. Nay, they live finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord."

Human life is considered sacred and not something which is inconsequential. It is taught by the Quran, " Whosoever kills a human being without (any reason like) man slaughter, or corruption on earth, it is as though he had killed all mankind ... (5:32)." In fact, there is another saying by the Prophet saying how the next worse sin other than Polytheism is murder, ""The greatest sins are to associate something with God and to kill a soul (human beings.)" Killing of a human for without the reasons listed is akin to killing all man kind.

Islam is a religion not unlike the other major religions which does contain extracts of violence as does the Bible. However, Islam does not practice violence as the first or only recourse to take. If it did then the streets of the world would be full of blood and but it is not. Patience & forgiveness are the true weapons of a Muslim and not violence. The actions of some radicals does not symbolize what Islam is and it never will so long as the Prophets sayings and the Holy Quran are followed properly as they were originally intended to be.

About the Author

Shazia Shah is a practicing Muslim and has been a driving force behind the Muslim Matrimonials website and With Muslim Members from all over the UK and rest of the world.


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