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The Prophet Muhammad’s Conduct and Morals as an Evidence of His Prophethood

by Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

The evidence of prophethood in Islam stands alone in this theme. Never before the advent of Muhammad, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, was the moral perfection an evidence of prophethood. Here are some reasons for that:

1. The Holy Qur’an praises the Prophet’s morals. The Almighty Allah says:

"And verily, you [O Muhammad] are on an exalted [standard of] character." (Qur’an, 68:4)

He mentions that the Prophet’s good morals and conduct made his companions gather around him. The Almighty Allah says:

"…And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you…" (Qur’an 3:159)
2. The perfect character is a miracle, as many people try hard to achieve that but cannot.
3. The perfect morals necessitates truthfulness which in turn necessitates acceptance of speech, and since the most important element in prophethood is telling and accepting of the news, the perfect character is an evidence of Messengership.
4. In confirming the Prohet’s perfect morals and conduct there is a strong answer to the invective accusing the Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, of bad morals that made him unqualified to have the honour of Prophethood (according to accusers).
5. The Prophet’s moral perfection was the strongest evidence that oblige many people to believe in Muhammad, even before witnessing a tangible miracle, e.g. Khadijah (the Prophet’s first wife), Abu Bakr, Ali, and others, may Allah be pleased with them.

The fields of moral perfection that are reliable proofs of prophethood of the following:

First: the Perfection of Qualities

The Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, had a smiling face that made him loveable to the people who submitted to him and followed him.

He was also wise, discerning and patient. Severe trials used to make him stronger. He was the most disinterested in the worldly pleasures. He was the example of modesty. He was kind to all, he used to walk in the markets and sit on earth. He was distinguished from his Companions only with shyness and silence.

One of the Prophet’s most honourable attributes was his extreme tolerance. The Arabs showed him hatred and animosity but that made him kinder and more merciful. He showed neither wrath nor vengeance but for Allah’s sake. He fulfilled the promise and kept the covenant.

Second: The Virtues of the Prophet’s Speech

1. The extreme wisdom and the comprehensive knowledge that surprised his contemporaries.
2. The strong capacity to learn by heart, he forgets not even a single information as regards his Message.
3. He explained his laws and teachings with very clear proofs.
4. He incided his people for virtues and good conduct, and interdicted jealousy, hatred and all that is abominable.
5. He gave a clear answer whenever asked and a strong proof whenever he argued.
6. He kept his tongue from altering or perverting speech, till he became known as truthful.
7. He expressed what he wanted in a perfect manner.
8. He was the most eloquent person who had clear meanings and lucid words.

Third: The Virtues of Prophet’s Deeds

1. His good conduct.
2. Combining at the same time mercy (for followers) and awe for those who opposed him.
3. His Shari`ah (law) is a just one, moderate between intemperance and negligence.
4. He took from this world just what is sufficient.
5. He explained his teachings and the rule of worship in such a clear manner that no law other than his is required.
6. Combining his inviting to the religion with arguments and his readiness to fight the enemies till he was victorious.
7. His courage in fighting and strong desire to rescue the needy and the frightened.
8. His exemplary generosity.


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