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Description of Islamic Architecture

by Jeff Walker

Islamic architecture is based on secular and religious ideas that testify the foundations and teachings of Islam. Basically, Islamic architecture is a combination of climate, culture, love of geometry, patterns and arabesque ornaments. In fact, it has found that the artists or the architects had a great understanding of mathematical formulae's and deep understanding of geometry.

The principal Islamic architectura types are: Minarets, Mosques, Forts and Palaces. The mosque is considered to be the centre of religious life throughout the Islamic world, the masjid or 'place of prostration'. The major mosque in a city is the "masjid al-jum'a" or the Friday mosque. The elements of the mosque are essentially functional rather than symbolic. There is no division between the sacred and secular. A mihrab niche within the prayer hall indicates the orientation to Mecca. To the right of the mihrab stands the minbar, the pulpit.

Minarets are characteristic architectural features of Islamic mosques. Minarets are generally tall spires with onion-shaped crowns, usually either free standing or much taller than any surrounding support structure. Minarets provide a visual cue to a Muslim community. Minarets have been described as the "gate from heaven and earth", and as the Arabic language letter alif (which is a straight vertical line). A minbar is a pulpit in the mosque where the Imam (leader of prayer) stands to deliver sermons or in the Hussainia where the speaker sits and lectures the congregation.

Forts are typical Muslim structures that were built by the rulers to reside and to prepare the army for attacks and other structures. Forts were places in which the Mughal emperors or rulers used to stay along with their families.

In a largely arid region, the Islamic garden represents an image of paradise. The basic plan is a rectangular enclosure walled against the dust of the desert and divided into at least four sections by water channels.

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