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Greatness of God(Allah)

by Md. Anisur Rahman

Many people are terribly confused on many words of the holy Quran(Koran). For example, they are very unhappy for not being able to see God almighty directly or even can not see seven universes yet. But one should understand that the holy Quran is super-science(absolute truth) but we, human beings, are dealing with science so it is natural that we can not comprehend all the super-science, the Holy Koran. God says about the super-scientific nature of the Holy Koran very clearly,

"[The Noble Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed."

Therefore, first we should try to understand the greatness of God(Allah in Arabic) almighty. How great the almighty God is! If we look and ponder some samples of His creations we could at least reach toward a rough conclusion.

"[23:17] We created above you seven universes in layers, and we are never unaware of a single creature in them."

"[71:15] Do you not realize that GOD created seven universes in layers?"

In which galaxy we are residing, the Milky Way, consists of about 200 billion stars, with our own Sun being a fairly medium-sized but very special one. Milky Way is a fairly spiral galaxy. When we leave the planet Earth toward the sun, at the speed of light in vacuum, we could reach the sun after 93,000,000 miles traveling and it takes 8 minutes. It will take us more than 50,000 years at the speed of light to exit our galaxy.

From the outer limit of the Milky Way, our planet Earth is invisible. Not even the current most powerful telescope can detect our tiny "Earth." We have to spend more than 2,000,000 years at the speed of light(300000000 meter/sec) to reach our next-door galaxy. At least 10,000,000,000 years, at the speed of light, must be spent to reach the outer limit of our observable universe. From the outer limit of our universe, even the Milky Way is like a spot of dust in a large room.

The second universe surrounds our innermost and smallest observable universe. The third universe is larger than the second, and so on. Can you imagine the vastness of the first, outermost universe? This incomprehensible vastness is "within the fist of God's hand."

[39:67] They can never fathom the greatness of GOD. The whole earth is within His fist on the Day of Resurrection. In fact, the universes are folded within His right hand. Be He glorified; He is much too high above needing any partners. God's greatness is represented not only by the fact that He holds the seven universes in His hand, but also by the fact that He fully controls every atom, even subatomic components, everywhere in the great universe.

Like a great intellect Luqman advised to his son,

"[31:16] "O my son, know that even something as tiny as a mustard seed, deep inside a rock, be it in the heavens or the earth, GOD will bring it. GOD is Sublime, Cognizant."

God's recording system is so complicated, precise and sophisticated!

"[99:6-8] On the resurrection day, the people will issue from every direction, to be shown their works. Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it." Finally we must remember once again how great God is! Let us ponder the following Noble verse.

[18:109] Say, "If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would run out, before the words of my Lord run out, even if we double the ink supply."

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About the Author

Md. Anisur Rahman(Double MSc in physics) is a physicist and a progressive Muslim promotes real Islam based on the holy Quran(Koran) only. Details of his career, interest, research fields, hobby etc. can be reached at Md Anisur Rahman


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