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Islamic Swimwear For The Active Muslimah

by Gabriel Perez

All these year's Muslim females have faced the issue of finding a suitable swimwear which adheres to the Koran, which needs a lady to cover everything except her hands, face and feet.

The swimwear available in the market were either not targeted for the Muslim women as they led to show of skin or were theoretical for swimming. To aptly describe how uncomfortable the Muslim swimwear designed for Muslimahs was I shall quote Aheda Zanetti who wrote to the National Geographic News saying "As an active Muslim women, I found it tough to take part in most sports, because of the excess garments we were wearing. And the veil very unpractical while playing sports".
All these year's Muslim females have faced the issue of finding a suitable swimwear which adheres to the Koran, which needs a lady to cover everything except her hands, face and feet.

The swimwear available in the market were either not targeted for the Muslim women as they led to show of skin or were theoretical for swimming. To aptly describe how uncomfortable the Islamic swimwear designed for Muslimahs was I shall quote Aheda Zanetti who wrote to the National Geographic News saying "As an active Muslim women, I found it tough to take part in most sports, because of the excess garments we were wearing. And the veil very unpractical while playing sports".

For a market that wasn't targeted by big market share holders like Nike scattering little firms took the drive of planning something fruitful for Muslimahs. Zanetti, is the owner of Ahiida, an Australian company that designs girls's sports wear. Oliver Momeni started his venture of Bodykini in 2007, based in Spain and Hasema a Turkish company started planning a line of Islamic swimwear for men, ladies and kids. Among all these products the most admired and reviewed is Bodykini Modest Swimwear.

Surely, Oliver had the support and viewpoints of his Iranian and an experience of over 20 years in the family textile business. Before planning the final product "Bodykini", Oliver conducted a lot of market research and held talks with many Muslim women. He designed Bodykini Islamic Swimwear which is a total mix of a swimming costume that looks great, designed for modest comfort, adheres to Islam's tradition and most importantly lets ladies swim without any fear.

Oliver incorporated each thing into two main piece of clothing : a shirt with a hijood that serves as a close-fitting headpiece, which strongly lays on the head without slipping and a pant. The fabric used is a top quality water-repellent fabric that isn't just highly Chlorine resistant but also provides protection from ultraviolet rays. The advantage of employing a Polyester material is that it has low water absorbency, dries fast and guarantees complete stretch in all directions leading to comfy swimming or aqua-sport.

The Bodykini Islamic swimwear comes in two colors to select from and two unique features. The first feature is the 2 elastic bands that are attached at the interior of the pants that get buttoned to the inside of the suit, which forestall the suit from floating in case the swimmer performs a feet first dive.

Bodykini is available on the internet at

The Bodykini Muslim swimming suit is starting to become well-liked among not just the Muslim population but also among all those girls who love to cover their bodies and stop the tans while enjoying the relaxing water.

Taylor, of Azizah Magazine, says that "Many years from now there's going to be a sizable Muslim purchaser market and tons of demand".

I think we are where the Hispanic market was fifteen years back and today the Hispanic market is a huge consumer market." Further more, Arun Jain, a promoting lecturer at the College of Buffalo in the Big Apple State, agrees and states that given the expansion potential of the Muslim community in the United States, major sports wear makers might be missing out on an opportunity to break into a rising market.

About the Author

Gabriel Perez reports about trendy fashion. Swimwear that makes swimming all that more interesting and enjoyable to Muslim women.
Click here to read more!about Muslim Swimwear.


Kyle mengatakan…

Australian swimwear companies are designing swimwear clothes for muslim women. These swimwear conform to Islamic values and is aimed at active Muslim women who can now emnjoy swimming in public areas or water sports.They are designed to enhance athletic performance and allows maximum movement while in or out of water.It also provides UV protection, from the sun's rays.

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